Pay It Forward
I Timothy 1:16
Posted 8/14/2017
Recently this has become a popular way of saying pass on to someone else the blessing that has been given to you. You often hear about people in the drive through of a fast food restaurant paying for the car behind them. Someone giving of themselves without any expectation of anything in return. Many often chose to demonstrate this act under the cover of anonymity. Not wanting any glory but only the satisfaction that comes with giving (glorifying God through obedience), it is truly “better to give then receive”.
Paul in this verse is not talking about paying forward any monetary item but something much more valuable, MERCY! He was able to show mercy towards others because of the mercy that God continually supplied to Him daily. He described himself as the worst of sinners and that God displayed his “unlimited patience” as an example for us to follow. Being reminded of Gods patience towards us makes it so much easier to PAY THAT FORWARD! Make a constant effort daily to demonstrate the unlimited patience that God so mercifully pours out on us! Mercy is not giving someone what they deserve.
Let God fight your battles, “those that are merciful shall also obtain mercy”. Keep that in mind when responding to others!